
Telling tails…


What is Ehrlichia and can it make my dog sick?

Ehrlichia can make your dog sick. Ehrlichia canis is a bacteria that causes a disease called Ehrlichiosis, which is responsible for making dogs very sick. Ehrlichia is found in many tropical and subtropical regions all over the world and, unfortunately, has spread through northern Australia since it was first detected in the Kimberley region of Western Australia back in May 2020. Ehrlichia is now widespread across the Northern Territory and has also been making dogs sick across the Kimberley, Pilbara, Gascoyne and upper Goldfields regions of Western Australia. Cases have recently been discovered in Queensland and Victoria in dogs travelling from these areas and ticks in northern South Australia have been found to carry the bacteria. In January 2022, a dog in Mt Isa, Queensland, was confirmed to have been infected locally so the disease can now be presumed to be present in northern Queensland. UPDATE: As of December 2022, cases have been confirmed in Townsville.


How is Ehrlichiosis diagnosed and treated?

Diagnosing Ehrlichiosis in dogs can be tricky because the signs vary, but early diagnosis and treatment give the best chance of recovery. Diagnosis is based on the combination of the history of a dog travelling to affected areas, the clinical signs and a blood test. Treatment with a very long course of antibiotics is possible but can be complicated in severe cases as the bacteria can hide within the body and cause severe damage to different internal organs.

If your dog has been in a tick-prone area and shows any of these signs then please seek veterinary advice as soon as possible, even if the illness doesn’t seem too bad or your dog seems to recover temporarily:

  • A high temperature or fever
  • Being lethargic or not moving around much
  • Going off their food
  • Losing weight
  • A runny nose or eyes
  • Any unusual bleeding, bruising or swellings
  • Cloudy eyes


If Ehrlichia is a bacteria, then why do we keep talking about ticks?

Ehrlichia is carried by the Brown Dog Tick and dogs become infected when an infected tick bites them. The Brown Dog Tick is common and widespread across most of Australia so Ehrlichia has the potential to spread this far – which we really don’t want! Ticks are most commonly picked up from grass near other dogs, stock or wildlife.


Are you in or heading to northern Western Australia, the Northern Territory or Queensland with your dog?

Dog movement restrictions currently apply to any dogs leaving northern Western Australia or the Northern Territory. So, even if you’re just popping up north for a quick holiday, this applies to you. Check out this government website for details:

The important points are to:

  • Check the government requirements for the State/Territory you are moving to
  • Treat and check your dog for ticks in the 7 days before moving out of the area
  • And, to tell your vet that you’ve visited the affected regions if your dog becomes sick afterwards


How can I prevent ticks and Ehrlichia from making my dog sick?

This disease IS preventable and we can all contribute to preventing it’s spread into the southern and eastern areas of Australia.

If you are travelling to the northern parts of Australia then please have your dog on an effective tick treatment at all times.

On a practical basis, effective tick prevention means you need to do three things:

1. Treat your dog with an effective medication that kills ticks – these are the regular chews or spot ons that your dog might already be on (like Nexgard or Bravecto).

2. Add a tick repellent product that aims to stop ticks from attaching to your dog – this may be a collar (Seresto) or spot on (Advantix).

3. Unfortunately, no tick preventative is 100% guaranteed, so if you’re in a tick-prone area then you still need to check your dog for ticks at least once a day and carefully remove any. Check out our Tick Check Guide for how to do a thorough tick check on your pet.


Why does my dog need to use both a chew and a repellent collar to prevent Ehrlichia?

The reasoning behind using both a tick preventative AND a repellent is that the usual tick preventatives are in the bloodstream so ticks need to attach to the dog and suck blood before they are killed, which can take about 5-6 hours. The Ehrlichia bacteria can transfer from the tick to the dog in around 1-2 hours, which is faster than these medications can kill the tick.

The repellent products stop up to 95% of ticks from attaching at all by creating a residue in the oils on the skin and coat. I like to call this a dog’s ‘invisibility cloak’ against ticks, with the chew or spot on and a physical tick check as the back up plan just in case one does attach.


Which tick preventatives are the best?

There are a few different chew and spot on tick prevention products available and not every one is suitable for every dog, so chat to either Dr Tania or your usual veterinarian about which ones are best for your dog. These include products like Bravecto, Nexgard or Simparica.

The Seresto collar (for small and large dogs) is the most recommended tick repellent product as it only needs to be replaced every four months, is waterproof and is supported internationally to have more than 90% efficacy in preventing Ehrlichiosis. Another option with proven efficacy against Ehrlichia is the monthly spot on treatment Advantix. The Kiltix collar is another viable option (based on the active ingredients) but is not waterproof and hasn’t been proven against Ehrlichia in any studies. Just be aware that there have been some fake tick repellent collars selling online, so please buy one from a reputable source.


Vet in a Van is committed to protecting your dog and limiting the spread of Ehrlichia in Australia

Follow any of the above links for tick preventatives or head to and enter our unique code VIAV100R at the top left of the screen for an exclusive discount on all tick preventatives and pet supplies.



Keep your chosen parasite preventatives handy by storing them in your Vet in a Van – Navigator Pet First Aid Kit



*Information provided here is based on information available to us at the time of publishing and not intended as an individual veterinary recommendation for any product or action. You should consult your veterinarian for advice regarding your individual pet and read all product labels and instructions prior to the use of any product.

**By using our discount code, you save money and Vet in a Van receives a small margin on each sale which helps us to keep helping you and your pets.


Most of us have heard of ticks and know that our pets can be affected, but should your pet be on a tick preventative?

There are a few different ticks in Australia that can be a nuisance for our pets, the Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), the Bush tick and, most dangerously, the Paralysis Tick (Ixodes holocyclus). They can transmit diseases and the Paralysis Tick can cause a progressive lethal paralysis.

Ticks tend to be found in bushy areas and long grass near livestock or wildlife.

bush cattle brown dog paralysis tick

(image source: Virbac)

tick identification


(image source: unknown)


Tick-borne diseases in Australia:

  • Babesiosis
    • A parasite that invades red blood cells, causing anaemia, weakness, lethargy, pale gums, red urine, yellowing skin, fever and possibly death
    • Transmitted by the Brown Dog tick and possibly the Bush tick over several days, and also via dog bites
    • Mostly in subtropical and tropical northern regions of Australia but has been found in southeastern Australia
    • Dingoes can be infected and act as a reservoir for pet dogs
  • Anaplasmosis
    • An emerging disease most common in northern Australia
    • A bacterial infection that affects the platelets (needed for blood clotting), causing fever, lethargy, weakness, pale gums and bleeding disorders
    • Transmitted by the Brown Dog tick and possibly lice within 24-48 hours of attachment
  • Ehrlichiosis
    • Discovered May 2020 in a few dogs in the Gascoyne and Pilbara, WA, but now widespread through northern Western Australia and the Northern Territory. A locally acquired infection was found in Mt Isa, Queensland, in January 2022. This disease has the potential to spread much further.
    • A bacterial infection causing fever, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, loss of appetite, weight loss, pale gums and unusual bleeding or bruising
    • Transmitted by the Brown Dog tick within 6-8 hours of attachment
    • Found in subtropical and tropical regions worldwide
    • A notifiable disease in Australia
    • For more details, see


The Paralysis Tick (Ixodes holocyclus):

  • Whilst they can be around all year, they are most prevalent in late Winter and early Spring when the adult females are emerging to breed.
  • Found along the east coast of Australia, not present in WA, NT or SA. (see map below)
  • Signs of toxicosis include facial droopiness, weakness, cough, trouble breathing, inability to stand or walk and possible death
  • The longer the tick is attached, the more severe the toxicosis and effects
  • Treatment, if discovered early, requires tick antiserum and intensive care hospitalisation

paralysis tick distribution

(image source: unknown)

Luckily, we can help prevent these issues by:

Using a reliable tick preventative medication on your pet:
    • Spot-ons, chews and tick collars are available, each with pros and cons for use. Chat to your vet about which suits your pet better and see our blog post on Parasite Preventatives for more information.
    • Don’t be tempted to use ‘natural’ methods, the consequences of a tick bite can be disastrous so it’s worth investing in effective preventatives.
    • Current veterinary advice for areas with Ehrlichia (NT, northern WA and northern Qld) is to use a tick repellent/killer (such as the Seresto collar) in combination with a preventative (such as Nexgard or Bravecto).

Order tick prevention online and protect your pet today – use code OBAY at checkout for free shipping.


If you are travelling or live in a tick prone area, check your pet thoroughly every day for ticks:
    • The most effective technique is ‘finger-walking’ as ticks are easier to feel than see amongst your pet’s fur. This is done by starting at your pet’s nose and slowly walking your finger tips along the skin all over your pet’s body, being systematic and following the same pattern each time:
      • Head – ticks like to hide in lip folds and ears, so check closely
      • Neck
      • Shoulders
      • Front legs – especially between the toes and foot pads
      • Back and tummy – hiding places include the arm pits and groin
      • Back legs – between the toes and foot pads, again
      • Bottom and genitals – double check under the tail and in any skin folds
      • Tail
    • Ticks can be tiny and easily missed, so checking daily may find a slightly bigger tick today that was missed yesterday.

Want a more thorough explanation? Check out our Tick Check Guide


Remove any ticks correctly and as soon as possible:
    • Distract your pet with food or a treat
    • Part the fur around the tick
    • Using a tick removal device, grasp the tick as close as possible to your pet’s skin, then twist slowly and firmly to pull it away from the skin, trying to keep the tick intact.
    • Pulling too quickly may cause the tick’s mouthparts to break off and remain in your pet’s skin. If this occurs, it can be removed with tweezers or by scratching with your fingernail.
    • Tweezers are not recommended as a removal tool as they can squeeze the tick, causing more toxin to be injected into your pet.
    • If you do not have a tick removal device, please call your veterinarian to have the tick removed as soon as possible. Waiting for the tick to drop off is not recommended as the longer it stays attached, the more likely that the paralysis toxin or infection has serious consequences.


One of our responsibilities as travelling pet owners is that we don’t contribute to spreading diseases and vectors (like ticks) further than their current endemic zone, so preventative actions are important not only for the health of your own pet but for all of us.



Keep your chosen parasite preventatives handy by storing them in your Vet in a Van – Navigator Pet First Aid Kit


*Note that tick preventatives may not be safe for all species (some dog medications are toxic to cats and rabbits), so please follow the label and seek veterinary advice before use.

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